
This guide goes through the necessary steps to connect Materialize to WarpStream, an Apache Kafka® protocol compatible data streaming platform.

WarpStream runs on commodity object stores (e.g., Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage) and offers benefits such as no inter-AZ bandwidth costs and no local disks management. This guide highlights its integration with Materialize using Fly.io.

Before you begin

Ensure you have the following:

  • A WarpStream account
  • A Fly.io account: used for deploying a WarpStream cluster with TLS termination and SASL authentication.
  1. Set up WarpStream

    If you already have a WarpStream cluster, you can skip this step.

    a. Begin by registering for a WarpStream account or logging in to your existing account.

    b. Follow this guide to deploy your WarpStream cluster on Fly.io.

    c. Post deployment, create credentials for connecting to your WarpStream cluster.

    d. Use the provided credentials to connect to the WarpStream cluster on Fly.io. Test this connection using the WarpStream CLI:

    warpstream kcmd -type diagnose-connection \
                    -bootstrap-host $CLUSTER_NAME.fly.dev \
                    -tls -username ccun_XXXXXXXXXX \
                    -password ccp_XXXXXXXXXX

    Change the bootstrap-host to the name of your WarpStream cluster on Fly.io.

    e. Create the materialize_click_streams topic:

    warpstream kcmd -bootstrap-host $CLUSTER_NAME.fly.dev \
                    -tls -username ccun_XXXXXXXXX \
                    -password ccp_XXXXXXXXXX \
                    -type create-topic \
                    -topic materialize_click_streams

    f. Generate and push sample records for testing:

    warpstream kcmd -bootstrap-host $CLUSTER_NAME.fly.dev \
                    -tls -username ccun_XXXXXXXXXX \
                    -password ccp_XXXXXXXXXX \
                    -type produce \
                    -topic materialize_click_streams \
                    --records '{"action": "click", "user_id": "user_0", "page_id": "home"},,{"action": "hover", "user_id": "user_0", "page_id": "home"},,{"action": "scroll", "user_id": "user_0", "page_id": "home"}'

    Note: The WarpStream CLI uses ,, as a delimiter between JSON records.

  2. Integrate with Materialize

    To integrate WarpStream with Materialize, you need to set up a connection to the WarpStream broker and create a source in Materialize to consume the data.

    Head over to the Materialize console and follow the steps below:

    a. Save WarpStream credentials:

    CREATE SECRET warpstream_username AS '<username>';
    CREATE SECRET warpstream_password AS '<password>';

    b. Set up a connection to the WarpStream broker:

    CREATE CONNECTION warpstream_kafka TO KAFKA (
        BROKER '<CLUSTER_NAME>.fly.dev:9092',
        SASL USERNAME = SECRET warpstream_username,
        SASL PASSWORD = SECRET warpstream_password

    c. Create a source in Materialize to consume messages. By default, the source will be created in the active cluster; to use a different cluster, use the IN CLUSTER clause.

    CREATE SOURCE warpstream_click_stream_source
        FROM KAFKA CONNECTION warpstream_kafka (TOPIC 'materialize_click_streams')
        FORMAT JSON;

    d. Verify the ingestion and query the data in Materialize:

    SELECT * FROM warpstream_click_stream_source LIMIT 10;

    e. Furthermore, create a materialized view to aggregate the data:

    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW warpstream_click_stream_aggregate AS
            COUNT(*) AS count
        FROM warpstream_click_stream_source
        GROUP BY user_id, page_id;

    f. Produce additional records to monitor real-time updates:

    warpstream kcmd -bootstrap-host $CLUSTER_NAME.fly.dev \
                    -tls -username ccun_XXXXXXXXXX \
                    -password ccp_XXXXXXXXXX \
                    -type produce \
                    -topic materialize_click_streams \
                    --records '{"action": "click", "user_id": "user_1", "page_id": "home"}'

    g. Query the materialized view to monitor the real-time updates:

    SELECT * FROM warpstream_click_stream_aggregate;

By following the steps outlined above, you will have successfully set up a connection between WarpStream and Materialize. You can now use Materialize to query the data ingested from WarpStream.

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